Stories for When the Wolves Arrive

Stories for When the Wolves Arrive is both an academic and psychological exploration into the deeper themes behind our best-known folklore. This poetry collection examines feminism, anti-capitalism, trauma, and healing within this framework and leaves no stone from the path unturned.  


"Hailey Spencer’s remarkable debut shows us what fairytales are made of. Both butcher and baker, Spencer strips the flesh of wordplay from the bones of motif and archetype, kneads rhyme until elastic, and feeds the snake of metaphor to itself. Stories For When The Wolves Arrive is recursive, like trauma, and glorious, like recovery. You’ll want to follow this breadcrumb trail to the end."

—Sonya Vatomsky, author of Salt is for Curing

Out of Love in Spring

Out of Love in Spring is a strange little book about love, loss, and the changing of the seasons. This collection walks us through a journey of falling in love before you’re ready, and falling out of love exactly when you’re meant to. From pantoums on killing birds to job applications about the loss of identity after a breakup, this collection will surprise and delight at every turn.


“Hailey Spencer
’s intense, intimate poems announce the arrival of a powerful new voice on the poetry scene. With the clarity of a wordsmith, the ear of a musician, and the feelings of a heart boiling over with passion, Spencer traces the pilgrimage of love from desperation to resignation. In this tightly integrated collection one biting poem to the next thrills the reader with unforgettable images woven together with subtle rhyme:

“Last night we unzipped our skin.
I thought it’d be a relief to be human again
But to my surprise, I found
that I missed the smell of smoke
from the villages I left burning in my wake.” 

Spencer’s voice is relentless as she drills into the dangers of love. Read these wonderful poems at your peril—and your delight.”

–Sharon Cumberland, author of Strange With Age. 


“I often worry that I am unable to tell the difference between the brilliant and the abysmal in poetry. Then I see something like this and it reassures me that I can tell when something is good.”

–Catherine Potter, editor, Red Ogre Review


Hailey Spencer’s Out of Love in Spring takes the reader on a pilgrimage, along the pathways of a story that is both universal and deeply personal – the falling into and out of love: both source and abyss. The short epigraph-like pieces introducing each of the chapbook’s four parts haunt like Sappho’s fragments, a fitting echo for poems unafraid to leap headlong into passion’s turbulence.”

–Laura J. Braverman, author of Salt Water